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Population Loss in Oklahoma City

Looking at Oklahoma City’s population of about 200,000 in 1940 and 655,000 in 2019, it’s easy to think that Oklahoma City has little in common with older Rust Belt cities that are known for dramatic population decline in the 20th Century. But if we look at...

Oklahoma City in the 1918 Flu Pandemic

The 1918 influenza pandemic hit Oklahoma City hardest in October 1918. Read on to learn the penalty for spitting, how much 1918 OKC folks loved their theaters, and the origins of Lake Overholser’s name. Note: This article was adapted from a Twitter thread. The...

Residential Zoning in Oklahoma City

Map of R-1 single-family, other types of residential zoning, and other zoning in Oklahoma City. (Inspired by Cities Start to Question an American Ideal.) View High Resolution Map (PDF)